SAP NetWeaver / S/4HANA Secure Profile Parameters
WALLSEC Security Hardening Baseline for SAP NetWeaver
Secure Profile Parameters
Here is a list of security-relevant SAP NetWeaver profile parameters and our WALLSEC configuration recommendation. The recommended configurations may need to be adapted to meet your corporate requirements.
abap/path_normalization = ext
auth/check/calltransaction = 3
auth/no_check_in_some_cases = Y
auth/object_disabling_active = N
auth/rfc_authority_check = 1
gw/acl_mode = 1
gw/monitor = 1
gw/reg_info = <path to RFC Gateway reg_info ACL - must not be empty>
gw/reg_no_conn_info = 129
gw/rem_start = DISABLED
gw/sec_info = <path to RFC Gateway sec_info ACL - must not be empty>
gw/sim_mode = 0
icf/reject_expired_passwd = 1
icf/set_HTTPonly_flag_on_cookies = 1
icm/accept_forwarded_cert_via_http = 0
icm/trace_secured_data = FALSE (or 0)
is/HTTP/show_detailed_errors = FALSE
is/HTTP/show_server_header = FALSE
login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1
login/create_sso2_ticket = 3
login/disable_cpic = 1
login/failed_user_auto_unlock = 1
login/fails_to_user_lock = 5
login/min_password_diff = 4
login/min_password_digits = 1
login/min_password_letters = 1
login/min_password_lng = 8
login/min_password_lowercase = 1
login/min_password_specials = 0
login/min_password_uppercase = 1
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 1
login/password_change_for_SSO = 3
login/password_compliance_to_current_policy = 1
login/password_downwards_compatibility = 0
login/password_expiration_time = 90
login/password_history_size = 5
login/password_max_idle_initial = 5
login/password_max_idle_productive = 30
login/show_detailed_errors = 0
login/ticket_only_by_https = 1
login/ticket_only_to_host = 1
ms/acl_info = <path to message server ACL - must not be empty>
ms/admin_port = 0
ms/monitor = 0
rdisp/gui_auto_logout = 1800
rec/client = all
rfc/callback_security_method = 3
rfc/reject_expired_passwd = 1
rfc/selftrust = 0
rsau/enable = 1
rsau/integrity = 1
rsau/log_peer_address = 1
rsau/selection_slots = 10
rsau/user_selection = 1
sapgui/nwbc_scripting = FALSE
sapgui/user_scripting = FALSE
sapgui/user_scripting_disable_recording = TRUE
sapgui/user_scripting_force_notification = TRUE
sapgui/user_scripting_per_user = TRUE
sapgui/user_scripting_set_readonly = TRUE
snc/accept_insecure_gui = 0
snc/accept_insecure_rfc = 0
snc/data_protection/max = 3
snc/data_protection/min = 3
snc/data_protection/use = 3
snc/enable = 1
snc/log_unencrypted_rfc = 2
snc/only_encrypted_gui = 1
snc/only_encrypted_rfc= 1
ssl/ciphersuites = 135:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH
ssl/client_ciphersuites = 150:PFS:HIGH::EC_P256:EC_HIGH
system/secure_communication = ON
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